at home

at home documentary family session in san francisco

i got on the plane and cried. at least silently, to myself ... and possibly maybe only in my mind. release. as many things happen in perfect timing, i happened to need a change of scenery exactly right then. and within seconds of breathing in that salty ocean westcoastbestcoast air, i was home.

my friend rachelle generously took me in for several days. we met exactly a year ago this week, and i'm always amazed by time and connection. how quickly and seamlessly we can sometimes fall in and out of relationships ... how sometimes you spark within ten minutes of talking. that instant and kindred connection is what i experienced with rachelle. her story has been essential for my own narrative, and it came in that exact perfect timing. one year ago this week i found a treasure of a friend ... and this past visit i finally met her beautiful daughter ava.

vegan mexican food and live music at golden gate park, intense sun and heat, rooftops and beers, tacos at every turn ... foggy drives up the coast at midnight and dancing under the stars in pescadero ... quality time with california friends, pumpkin patches and trouble coffee, takeout and cooking and kombucha every day ... walks along the ocean and evening light screaming through the trees. heart to hearts. needed it, loved it.

thank you, san francisco. and rachelle and ava. here is a tiny glimpse into this mother and daughter's daily life. though there is so much more than i could ever document or write. they are so much more...xx.