stout's island lodge wedding

kristi + brendan's northwoods wi stout's island lodge wedding

i remember things in blips and moments, scenes and frames.

ferry to a foggy island. my friend & second shooter, stephanie claire, playing her guitar. a sunrise glow through log cabin vintage curtains. kristi and brendan—warm souls, adorably and irretrievably in love. their friends & family with so much heart. and the rain followed by the sun and boats and swimming and docks by midnight and fireworks lighting up the post holiday skies to a folksy blues soundtrack. magic, love, escape.

and as vladimir nabokov said, "the rest is rust and stardust."

venue: stout's island lodge // florist: martha's gardens // band: the afterwhile // planner: joan of ambiente // beer for days (including a special brew made just for the couple): leinenkugel's